Thursday, October 6
7:30 PM
Michael E. Mann, one of the most famous science communicators in the world, is back with his new book The New Climate War, which reveals the thirty year campaign major polluters have run to deflect blame for climate change onto individuals, and away from their own toxic practices. Bill Nye says, “Mann shows that corporations and lobbyists have been successful in convincing us that climate change will be fine, if we just recycle our bottles and turn out the lights. Instead, he says, global warming is a problem way too hot for any one person to handle. He’s optimistic though, because he sees what we really can and will do.” Mann combats climate doom-saying with practical steps to save the planet. Sponsored by Robert & Lucy Beck.
Reserve your free tickets on Eventbrite starting September 29 at 8 a.m. EST.
Location: Johnson Center Cinema, Ground Floor, 4477 Aquia Creek Lane, Fairfax

Monday, October 10
7 PM
In her biography, The Princess of Albemarle: Amélie Rives, Author and Celebrity at the Fin de Siècle, Jane Turner Censer sheds light on Rive’s substantial literary career and her personal saga providing insight into the limits of being a woman in the late nineteenth-century South. Sponsored by the Friends of Kings Park Library.
Location: Kings Park Library, 9000 Burke Lake Road, Burke
Tuesday, October 11
7 PM
In Formidable: American Women and the Fight for Equality: 1920-2020, Elisabeth Griffith presents a sweeping, diverse perspective on what happened after women won the right to vote with the Nineteenth Amendment, because it was an incomplete victory. The book shows the breadth and diversity of the women’s movement, in what Hillary Rodham Clinton calls “an essential history of the struggle by both Black and white women to achieve their equal rights.” Sponsored by Friends of Richard Byrd Library.
Location: Richard Byrd Library, 7250 Commerce St, Springfield, VA
7 PM
In The Unquiet Dead, Stacie Murphy unfurls Gilded Age New York City through the eyes of medium Amelia Matthew, as she races against the clock, using her spirit connections to exonerate an innocent boy of a murder that would send him to Sing Sing Prison. Author Dianne Freeman says, “Murphy serves up a dark side of the Gilded Age with intrigue, historical detail, and captivating characters. This is a mystery to savor!” Sponsored by the Friends of the City of Fairfax Regional Library.
Location: City of Fairfax Regional Library, 10360 North Street, Fairfax
7 PM
Laurie Loewenstein, author of the acclaimed Dust Bowl Mystery Death of a Rainmaker, is back with the sequel, Funeral Train. Set in 1935 Oklahoma, when a train derails, and a local recluse is murdered, Sheriff Temple Jennnings must solve the crime while waiting to hear news on his wife. Author Louis Bayard says the book is a “portrait of Depression-era America so searingly authentic, that the topsoil practically blows off each page.” The rich cast of characters illuminates these dark days in America with compassion. Sponsored by the Friends of the Pohick Regional Library.
Location: Pohick Regional Library, 6450 Sydenstricker Road, Burke, VA