Tackling History: Historians vs. Journalists

Saturday, September 19th 12:15 p.m. via YouTube

About the Event

Join Nancy B. Kennedy,  author of Women Win the Vote! 19 for the 19th Amendment, and Tim Grove, author of Star-Spangled: The Story of a Flag, a Battle and the American Anthem, as they explore the wide world of fact vs fiction, and the red flags to look out for when doing research. Discover what it means to be a journalist versus a historian, and the types of expectations that each career path has. Kennedy is the author of eight books and worked as a journalist for many years before writing nonfiction. Grove worked as a public historian for over 25 years, and was a finalist for the YALSA Excellence in Nonfiction award.

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About Tim Grove

Tim Grove has written several books for young readers, including First Flight Around the World, a YALSA Excellence in Nonfiction finalist. His career memoir A Grizzly in the Mail and Other Adventures in American History was published by University of Nebraska Press. He was formerly chief of museum learning at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC. Visit timgrove.net.

About Nancy B. Kennedy

Nancy B. Kennedy is a journalist and the author of seven previous books. She was born in Rochester, New York, the home of suffragist Susan B. Anthony and an epicenter of reform activity. Ms. Kennedy earned her bachelor’s degree in journalism from Penn State University. Prior to writing books, she worked in magazines and newspapers, including a stint as an editor for Dow Jones, publisher of the Wall Street Journal. Her passion is for telling nonfiction stories about complex topics in accessible language for a wide audience, whether adult or children. She lives in Hopewell, New Jersey, with her husband, John, and their son, Evan, on his occasional visits home from college. 

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